Friday, April 11, 2008

Blog Week 7: MMORPG, virtual worlds and augmented reality

I never realized how intense online computer gaming was! Nor did I realize you could become a millionaire by selling virtual properties online. I find it absurd that people waste money on a life that doesn’t really exist, and on things that don’t really exist or that they need. I think it’s cool that the internet can allow you to be whoever you wish, but a fake identity can only go so far, especially in the dating world. In the readings Michael Hardey discussed online and offline relationships, basing his essay on dating websites. So I reinforce my point that a made p identity can only be used for such a time, as if you wish to meet someone and your identity is opposite to what you describe, it is highly likely that person you meet up with will want nothing to do with you. Personally I would never embark on internet dating, I think it is for people that are unsocial and who don’t go out there and meet someone like everyone else. Although I think Hardey made a good point by saying that the internet provides a medium and it in many cases is a far more effective tool as opposed to newspaper advertisement dating. This is because more can written and described, and communication between the two is far easier. I then come back to the issue of money being spent over the internet when it really doesn’t need to be. For example some sites make you pay to contact people, wouldn’t it just be easier to go up and talk to someone that you liked. Not only would this be more social but it would boost ones confidence. Another reason I wouldn’t embark on internet dating is because there are so many people that aren’t what the say at all. For example on Oprah, there were three women that were ‘dating’ a guy they met on a website. He provided them with a picture and he made telephone calls to them on a regular basis. He made out he was living in Africa when in fact he was situated somewhere in the USA. The women fell in love with this ‘person’. This man got the ladies to put money in his bank account so he could try and ‘get out of Africa’ so he could then start a life with these women. After money was submitted into his bank account, the man disconnected his phone line and the women never heard from him again. All of these women were tricked by the same man, were stolen of money and left in the lurch. I think you have to be an idiot to put a large sum of money into ones bank account that you have never met, but im hoping for their sake it is a lesson learnt. But who am I to judge, this type of communication obviously benefits some people that are too busy for dating in their spare time, but I reinforce I think it is slightly weird and creepy to have thousands if not millions of users on the internet with fake identities. Its not normal and I feel in th dating world it is no way to fine ‘true love!!”


erika said...

I love how everyone has picked up on the 'dating' aspect in this weeks topic.

However, I want to draw your attention back to this sentence in your post: I find it absurd that people waste money on a life that doesn’t really exist, and on things that don’t really exist or that they need.

At the risk of getting philosophical - how do you know something really exists? What is 'real'? Is it something tactile (but emotions aren't tactile)? Is it an emotional reaction (but ppl have reactions to things that happen over distance all the time).

What is real? And, given the rest of the sentence, what is real enough to spend money on?

LaurenHagan said...

that whole Oprah story is a great example on how freaky the internet can be! they are really the only stories ive heard about it aswell, more good then bad.

What Erika points on there is good, The whole real thing is interesting and i guess you could ask it about anything in life but to me when i buy something i like to physically have it to have, look at or wear, not just to see on a computer screen....i dont know, its very complex and confusing, i guess its different for everybody....

Michael said...

Are you go for online dating you need to read this tips that is more help full 4 u
1.Be honest. Like what is always advised to many others who engaged in Online Dating, it is always best to be honest with everything you put into to your profile. From the photo you upload to the details on your profile, if you are serious in finding romance
2.Be careful with whom you give out your personal details to. There are a lot of internet creeps so make sure you know the person well before you jump into conclusion of giving out your numbers and addresses. You don’t to be a victim, do you?

3.Always remember that nobody’s perfect. The person you are chatting at the other end may sound so perfect for you but don’t expect too much from that person. No one was made perfect so if your potential online boyfriend lacks something you want, don’t despair. You yourself aren’t perfect.
best online dating website:-

Alina said...

I couldn't agree with you more. And the "i live in Africa, i'm in trouble scam' is so typical! You would really have to be an idiot to put money (any amount of money really) into someone's account if you haven't even met them...

And i guess Erika's right in a sense. It really depends on how one defines "reality" to actually go on and do/think about stuff.I guess it depends on each individual what thye find "real enough to spend money on"....since we're not all the same, it is kind of hard to genralize this opinion....but I still agree with you!

danalumsden said...

I actually saw that episode of Oprah and was equally shocked at how stupid these women were. even if their stupidity did steam out of being lonely and the desire to be loved.. unfortunatly the internet although being a great networking tool,allows people to pray on the weak.. a step up from phone scams!
I too find it hard to believe that people spend money on things that arnt 'real' like people in 2nd Life buying cellphones that even their avatars cant use... then i think back to tamagochi days.. that little dog or on the screen wasnt real.. yet we all got hopelessly addicted to them!!