Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Week 5 Blog (intertwined with week 4 and my holiday experience!)

Ah i cant believe how stressful and out of the loop i felt when i had no internet for the holidays (although i really suppose that what holidays is all about, getting away etc). I did do the readings over my holiday,and i got the feeling Holmes ideas were somewhat relevant to my holiday experience and todays lecture. He stated that computer mediated communication networks and virtual realities are environments rather than just technology, and that the interent has changed how we commmunicate with one another and that we are not affected by boundries, distance or time. This i suppose in a small way relates to my holiday experience, without internet! i mean i generally use internet to check emails etc, yet i also use it for up to date news etc. and i cant say the radio has great reception in akaroa (where i went) so i was either up to date by the paper or 6pm news. this was really the only way i was to get up to date information, and this only occured twice a day, so i was feeling somewhat out of the loop!i was also leaving my poor unopened emails for days, leaving people a little in the lurch if they needed an imediate answer! It also relates to (the whole being able to communicate with anyone, anywhere, anytime)what we talked about in todays lecture. For the fact that web 2.0 has allowed us communicate with each other as opposed to 1.0 where it was oneway communication.
Last weeks lectures really made me understand what a virtual community was (at first it all seemed a little broad), yet from what i understand, our blogging system is a virtual community, and for the fact that it is public, anyone with internet access can also view our blogs (unless your profile is private). I kinda never thought about it, just for the fact we can all read and generally understand everyday jargon. But say people that live on the other side of the world, who maybe have english as a second language or even as a first, they may not understand what we are talking about due to the informality of our blogs and the amount of jargon and everyday language we use. Something i never thought of yet i found it quite interesting!!
This has been quite a topsy tervy little blog, but i really thought i should type something up before the cut off date. will have to write something a little more structured for later in the week!


erika said...

Topsy-turvey but very interesting. I like how you picked up on the idea of the 'environment' - like your holiday! Welcome back :)

Anonymous said...

This is really very nice post